Luxury bags

Luxury Bags, so chic Bag Fashion

Lady l’Isa Bags are Luxury bags, clear plexi, fashion French Couture. They are dressed in silked taffetas, leathers and a lot of other fascinated canvas, born from the pen of the designer, Isabel d’ Esquermoise. They form an exceptionally feminine and graceful collection. The Isabel d’Esquermoise Maison was created in 2011 in Lille. It is the heritage of  2 know-how:  dress maker, and transformation of plastic materials. All is made in France.

Fashion accessories are more than just a handbag. they are real evening and haute couture jewelry, vehicle of personality and messages.

The carefully worked material astonishes magnificent reflections. The original factory surprises and looks away. Take rendez-vous with the designer Maison, to shape your unique bag.


You will also find here luxury bag accessories: belt buckle, bag holder, bag pouch … the essential to personalize your outfits or give them a new look.

The designer also offers accessories for her luxury bags: belt buckles, bag keyrings, original pouches … the essential to personalize her outfits, but also create new look trendy or wise. Here, everything is tailor-made, timeless, and renewed to be sustainable, like a Dior or a Chanel.

STYLE POUCH for changing bags

Our luxury bags are dressed with messages, patterns, silk, leather, and precious canvas/fabrics … custom-made in our sewing workshops.

Follow Isabel d’Esquermoise on Instagram. (Designnchic)